Our Values
Our Values
As a trusted service provider, certain values form the bedrock over which AL Fajar International Catering stands tall. Not only do we have the best and the most dedicated people, we also have values that we believe help us rank at the top.
We believe in being:

We will always be upfront with our clients, suppliers and employees.

We can be trusted to deliver what was promised to our clients.

We are punctual when it comes to managing deadlines

We believe in being efficient and hence plan & execute better from the start.

Health & Hygiene
We are dedicated to improving well-being through leading hygiene & health solution.

Besides caring for our clients’ employees, we also care about the safety of our staff.

Minimising our impact on the environment to the benefit of a more sustainable future.

Value for money
We understand the importance of money and hence strive to provide cost efficient services.